Home Remedies to Get rid of Foot Fungus

The bad smell, itching and scales are a symptom that you have fungus on your feet, here are the home remedies to eradicate them.

Home Remedies to Get rid of Foot Fungus

You probably walked in damp places and at the same time you started to feel itchy feet, this caused the smell and you can not eradicate the fungi that live on your feet. Here are the effective home remedies to fight the fungus on your feet.

Sometimes mushrooms develop in the feet due to lack of oxygenation is why it is recommended that when you wear closed shoes do not wear them every day, you must give oxygen so that the mushrooms do not install.

Take note of the following homemade remedies that will help you eliminate the fungus from your feet. Best of all, the ingredients you'll use are in your home cupboard.

White vinegar

You are going to soak a handkerchief of vinegar and with this one you are going to begin to wet your feet, try that you clean little by little your feet with the vinegar, then you wrap them very well letting the vinegar act in your feet.

Lemon with bicarbonate

This remedy is very good for many things, even for the stomach, but it is also very good for eliminating the fungi and bacteria that form on the feet. The first thing you have to do is clean your feet normally, then make the lemon mixture with bicarbonate and you're going to spread it on your feet. Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

This washing should be done at least twice a day, in the morning and at night.

Garlic and vinegar

Take 5 segments of garlic, peels and liquefied with vinegar, after having washed your feet normally, add this mixture, you have to be careful because it could cause itching, but it is normal, as it is how the garlic and vinegar act.

You will leave this mixture on your feet for 20 minutes, then remove with warm water. It should be done twice a day.
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